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Student Resources | Education Resources

10 Tips to Ace Online Interviews

COVID-19 has upended the way companies across the world are functioning—and this includes the interviewing process.

11 Ways to Survive the Semester

Here are 11 simple methods you can use to communicate more effectively with students and manage your time more effectively, both inside and outside the classroom.

15 Ways to Get Motivated at College

Whether you're new at college, returning, or have been there some years, it's often difficult get and stay motivated. Here are fifteen ways to kick start your motivation, and keep it up.

3 Tips for Becoming a Better Student

How many of us have said at some point “I wish I knew then, what I know now?” Student contributor, Daniel Iknaian, provides three valuable tips to fellow students.

4 Factors that Motivate Students in Their Choice of University Selections

The digital age has provided students with access to vast information on their fingertips and made the search for prospecting universities easier. Unsurprisingly, the rise of competition...

4 Qualities Every Student Leader Should Have

Anyone beginning leadership development must effectively grow into the role and work to become the type of leader people are willing to follow. Find out how.

4 Tips for Better Note Taking

We asked faculty members for advice on how to encourage students to take better notes, and they gave us some great practical suggestions below.

4 Tips for Getting Into Graduate School

Although grades are important for graduate schools, just as with undergraduate programs, it’s critical to highlight that you’re a well-rounded individual to increase your chances of acceptance.

5 Things Not to Do as an Intern

How can you be sure you’re making a good first impression? Here’s a list of things you can do to ensure you’re not sending the wrong message.

5 Tricks to Creating Positive Culture

Positive psychologists tell us we can change our external lives by reshaping our thoughts, intentions, and interactions with others. The same is true when building a healthy culture in the classroom.

6 Study Tips You Can Use Right Now

Student Natalia Munteanu shares some study tips you can begin using immediately.

6 Ways to De-stress During Exam Season

No one understands more than another university student how difficult exam season is—it’s often challenging to manage stress while studying for exams. Learn six tips for de-stressing.

7 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

As a student, are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands on your time and searching for ways to tackle your academic workload? We've got seven ways to put you on the path to success.

An Integrative Approach to Biochemistry for the Modern Student

How can you make the subject matter relevant to the modern student in such a way that they can connect the dots on their own? Ultimately, how can you train them to think like biochemists?

Be A Resume Rebel: LinkedIn Hacks for Young Professionals

In order to land an internship or first job during this unprecedented time, you need to understand the best ways to highlight your skills.

Block Out Your Distractions with These Great Playlists

Here's some playlist inspiration to help you block out distractions and stay on track when trying to learn from home.

Breaking Out of Her Comfort Zone: An Inspiring Story of Student Success

Meet Carmen Nuesi Peralta, a 19-year-old college student, from the Dominican Republic. Carmen overcame significant obstacles, broke out of her comfort zone, and became an inspiration for others.

Caught Plagiarizing - A College Instructor’s 'What Now' Tips

Let’s say you have been called out for plagiarizing. What now?

Essential Study Tips to Avoid All-Nighters Before Exams

Cramming for an exam is just a bad idea. Learn a few tips to help you stave off all-nighters.

Five Exam Study Tips from Instructors

It's exam time, and this year, things are different. And though the structure of classes may have changed, tried-and-true study tactics remain. Give a few of these tips a try. We wish you good luck!

How I Challenged the International Student Stereotype at My College

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying: “Perception is reality.” If that’s true, then reality can be changed. In some cases new, a new better reality emerges, as it did with me.

How to Avoid Burnout as a Medical Student and Beyond

How to Avoid Burnout as a Medical Student and Beyond

How to Avoid Feeling Isolated During Quarantine

Don't let isolation make you feel isolated. Here are some ways to stay connected and engaged throughout your COVID-19 quarantine.

How to Go from Intern to Fulltime Employee

It’s a badge of honor to be an intern who goes on to be hired as a fulltime employee because that means you impressed your manager and colleagues enough to grant you a place on the team.

How to Recreate Your Favorite Campus Workplaces at Home

Make your home workspace feel just like your favorite campus spot with these simple tricks.