The Wiley Network

Block Out Your Distractions with These Great Playlists


April 21, 2020

Whether it’s a family member vacuuming at 8 o'clock on a Monday morning, neighbors in the apartment next door deciding to hang a gallery of photos up on their wall, or even the complete absence of sound aside from what filters in through an open window, one of the biggest distractors when it comes to creating an environment that aids in your productivity is noise.

While you may not be able to control outside factors in accordance with your scheduled work hours, you can make efforts to help yourself by filling your space with music and sounds that help you focus and keep you on track. There are numerous platforms that you can use during this time with playlists designed specifically for studying, but don’t hesitate to try something new and experiment with which genres work best for you and your study habits. Being inside for hours on end is the perfect time to start expanding your music tastes!

Throw on some headphones or turn up your speakers and check out some of these great options we found to help you get started:




For more resources on how to make remote learning work for you, check out our Student Center.

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