Research Impact | The Wiley Network

Learn the inside story of how societies impact the research of their members and how they, in turn, can help society leaders and members expand the reach of their science.

Research Impact | Society Partners

The Ethics of Science and Health Journalism: A Q&A with Gary Schwitzer

Science journalists face pressure to publish more and to publish quickly. How can scientists make sure news coverage is accurate?

Research Integrity in the Asia Pacific Region

Ghost authorship and guest authorship lead to author disputes. Learn how integrity training can help avoid ethics issues before they happen.

Fighting Fake News with Research Evidence

Learn how publishers, scholarly societies, and the media can work together to fight fake news.

Curiosity in Research: An Illustrated History

Researchers are people who never stopped questioning, and their quest for answers have the power to change the world.

Charles Whalley, Journals Publishing Manager at the British Pharmacological Society, on the importance of society publishing partnerships

Charles Whalley, Journals Publishing Manager at the British Pharmacological Society, on the importance of society publishing partnerships.

Can Societies Help Researchers Collaborate Across Borders?

Research is always becoming more collaborative but working with new people means learning how to listen and communicate effectively.

Are Societies Focused On The Right Things?

Hear from Hetan Shah, Executive Director of the Royal Statistical Society, about how the RSS is changing their mindset and their strategy to succeed in a changing landscape.

An Illustrated History of Science Denial

From germ theory to lead poisoning, science has frequently been challenged by economic and cultural biases. Learn about the history of science denialism in this comic strip.

5 Things You Should Know About The Members of Social Science And Humanities Associations

A chemist, a sociologist, and a musicologist are all “researchers,” but you won’t find a musicologist handling test tubes, so we wanted to know: do they each join societies for the same reasons?

Think You're Bias-free? Think Again.

A first-time delegate shares what she’ll do differently after attending the June 2018 Wiley Society Executive Seminar in Washington DC.

Extending the Reach of Content Through Digital Licensing

Learn about our approach to driving research impact through digital licensing

How Can We Make Research Assessment Fairer With DORA?

Wiley is endorsing the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and becoming an official signatory, supporting a broader, more equitable view of research impact.

Clinical Outcome Assessments: Helping Research Drive Real-World Impact

What are clinical outcome assessments and how do they drive research outcomes?

How Research Can Influence Policy and How One Society Is Getting Involved

If you only had three minutes to convince someone how important it is to make evidence-based policy decisions, what would you say?

Scholarly Communication After COVID-19: What Researchers Say

Scholarly Communication After COVID-19 - What Researchers Say Infographic

Image Collections for Medical Practitioners with TDS Health

Ghost authorship and guest authorship lead to author disputes. Learn how integrity training can help avoid ethics issues before they happen.

In Challenging Times, Society Membership Remains Strong

Early results from the 6th annual Wiley Society Member Survey show membership trends holding steady

There are Challenges, But Society Membership is Vital: A First Look at This Years Wiley Society Member Survey

Explore the latest Wiley Society Member Survey

Researchers in the Face of the Pandemic

When we conducted our latest survey of society members, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic was high on the agenda. Here’s what our respondents told us.

Risk Governance and Minimizing Liability on Not-For-Profit Boards

In this episode of Wiley's 'Special Issue: A Podcast About Society Publishing', Richard LeBlanc shares top tips and insights for how not-for-profit boards can manage risk and minimize liability.