Wiley rights & permissions portal

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Reuse Our Content

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Reuse our content

How to acquire a reuse license for our content. 

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Author Reusing My Own Work

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Author reusing my own work

As an author, you have certain legal rights to access and re-use your own work.

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Reuse Content in My Thesis or Dissertation

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Reuse content in my thesis or dissertation

Learn about when reuse licenses might be required for your thesis or dissertation, and how to obtain a license.

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Translate a Journal Article

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Translate a journal article

How to acquire a reuse license for journal article language translation.

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Buy Book Translation Rights

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Buy book translation rights

We sell book translation rights to established publishing companies, institutions, and  corporations.

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Self-Archive or Share My Article in an Institutional Repository

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Self-archive or share my article in an institutional repository 

A permissions license is required for authors to post their work in an institutional repository.

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Accessibility Request

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Accessibility request

Learn about services that offer accessible versions of our resources, and how to request accessible content from us. 

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Institutional Requests

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Institutional request

Helpful links for instructors and librarians.

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Author clearing permissions for my Wiley book

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Author clearing permissions for my Wiley book

Information to assist you in understanding your responsibilities and in requesting permission to reproduce copyrighted material in your work. 

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Report the piracy of our books

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Report the piracy of our books

Contact us to report incidents of online piracy of our content or misuse of our company logos or wordmarks. 

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Different question for us

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Different question for us

Contact information for a variety of departments serving instructors and students, corporations and institutions, booksellers, and more.

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