The Wiley Network

5 Things Not to Do as an Intern


Annie Sullivan, Copywriter, Wiley

September 27, 2019

Being an intern may not always be the most glamorous role, but it can be the foot in the door you need in order to build a solid resume. Plus, it might even land you a full-time job if you work hard and play your cards right.  

How can you be sure you’re making a good first impression? Here’s a list of things you can do to ensure you’re not sending the wrong message.   

1. Don’t dress like you’re going to the club 

Most offices have dress codes. Adhere to them. If possible, pay attention to what future colleagues are wearing when you go in for an interview. That way you’ll have an idea of what your future colleagues wear.  

2. Don’t date your co-workers 

As tempting as it may be, it’s probably best to hold off on a relationship for a while. Plus, some companies may have rules against office relationships. Wait until your internship is done before risking it.  

3. Don’t steal supplies 

Even if supplies are in a communal area, don’t take them home with you. Only use them at work. The same rule applies to the printer: only for work-related things. No one wants to get caught red-handed at the printer printing out notes for your next Fantasy Football draft.  

4. Don’t come in hungover 

If you’re going to go out drinking, save it for when you don’t have work the next day. People will be able to tell, and it could cost you a full-time position. This also applies to office parties. Don’t be the one who drinks more than they can handle.  

5. Don’t hit Reply All 

Unless you know it’s okay, don’t hit Reply All. It’s not cool. Don’t be that person.  

Making a great first impression is all about showing up and doing the work, but you can really set yourself up for success by following the above tips. What tips from internships or first jobs would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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