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4 Factors that Motivate Students in Their Choice of University Selections


The digital age has provided students with access to vast information on their fingertips and made the search for prospecting universities easier. Unsurprisingly, the rise of competition between universities is getting more intense.

The University World News reported that East Asia and the Pacific is expected to remain the region with the highest volume and share of enrolments by 20351. For higher education institutions, this translates to more students looking for the edge that will help them land their desired career. Consequently, for these students, having a university choice which is right for them is important.

A survey2 from QS Intelligence Unit studied 5,075 prospective students from Asia Pacific during the 2017-18 academic year. These individuals, representing some 37 countries in the region, shared insights into their study motivations and ambitions.

1. Study Motivations

Motivations provide an insight into what drives applicants beyond university, which provides an understanding of how graduate ambition interplays with academic choices.

Figure 1. shows the top study motivation among Asian applicants is: To progress to a higher level qualification (71%)



Figure 1. Study Motivations

What’s the likely reason that the top study motivation among Asian students is to progress to higher level education?


According to UNESCO Institute of Statistics, enrolment in higher education has experienced explosive growth across Asia over the last 20 years. This is contributed by rising school participation rates, increasing demand of the society and economy for specialized human resources, and the perception of importance of advanced education in subsequent life opportunities. For example:


    • Indonesia: Viewed as having a promising economic future and a country of global importance in the 21stcentury, the demand for higher education in Indonesia will be driven by the fact that there is a severe skilled labor shortage in Indonesia.
    • Philippines: Recent education reforms in Philippines have sought to improve the quality of higher education, and with tuition-free at state universities and colleges may further boost enrollments.
    • Malaysia: Malaysia’s aspiration of becoming a high-income nation by 2024 and the development of quality graduates, means the country would be creating more skillful, knowledgeable and innovative human capital to meet the requirements of the industry.


2. Institution Choice Reasons

Applicants’ reasons for selecting an institution reflects the priorities and motivations that drive prospective students when choosing a university. This can help institutions inform recruitment and branding strategies, which can be tailored to the requirements of prospective students.



Figure 2. Institutional Choice Reasons


3. Preferred Disciplines

Figure 3. below takes a closer look at applicants’ reasons for selecting an institution. This reflects the priorities and motivations that drive prospective students when choosing a university. Higher education institutions can use this data to inform recruitment and branding strategies, which can be tailored to the requirements of prospective student. 



Figure 3. Preferred Disciplines


4. Target Industries

Students hope to use the skills developed through higher education to find productive and meaningful employment. Understanding prospective students’ target industries will help institutions when attempting to draw international students from desired regions.



Figure 4. Target Industries




As universities find the need to appeal to an ever‐increasing and diverse student base, applying effective strategic planning and brand management have become increasingly important for institutions. Universities must now leap to greater lengths to distinguish themselves from competitor institutions. Focusing on current trends will help institutions make more informed and targeted approach to strategic plan mapping.





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