The Wiley Network

What Do Our Students Need to Know? The New National Standards for Personal Financial Education


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The typical undergraduate personal finance course covers a lot of diverse topics, and individual teachers may take different approaches to topics and emphasis. Although many states require personal finance education for high school graduation, most still do not, so it’s up to us at the community college and university levels to fill in those knowledge gaps for today’s young people. Watch this webinar in which Dr. Vickie Bajtelsmit will:

  • Familiarize you with the New National Standards for Personal Financial Education and the rigorous process used to develop them.
  • Summarize what’s new and different in 2022.
  • Explain how the high school standards relate to college-level instruction and their importance for dual-listed courses.
  • Suggest ways the Standards can be helpful for those seeking to include personal finance in the university core curriculum.


Vickie Bajtelsmit

Vickie Bajtelsmit

Vickie Bajtelsmit is a Professor in the Department of Finance and Real Estate at Colorado State University, where she has taught personal finance, financial planning, risk management and insurance, real estate, employee benefits, and investments. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and holds a J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law. She is the author of several books, including Personal Finance (2nd ed. Wiley), and she has authored numerous academic and professional articles focused on personal finance issues related to retirement, insurance, investments, and real estate. She recently chaired the Writing Committee for the National Standards for Personal Financial Education, co-sponsored by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and the Council for Economic Education.

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