The Wiley Network

Apples and Oranges: Heritage Speakers in the Second Language Classroom


September 13, 2022

Addressing the Needs of Heritage Spanish Speakers

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Description: Heritage Spanish speakers have linguistic, affective, and academic characteristics that require very different pedagogical approaches. Separate courses are the best way to address their needs appropriately, but when this is not possible, instructors must adjust lessons in the regular Spanish classroom. In this webinar, you will learn how to differentiate processes and products to best serve the linguistic and affective profiles of heritage speakers.


Kim Potowski

Kim Potowski

Kim Potowski completed her B.A. in Spanish at Washington University in St. Louis and an M.A. in Hispanic linguistics and Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics with a concentration in second language acquisition and teacher education the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has been at the University of Illinois at Chicago since 1999 where she directs the Spanish for Heritage Speakers program. Kim co-authors the best-selling Introductory Spanish program, Dicho y hecho.

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