Peer Review and Publishing Ethics (Do's and Don’ts)


Lou Peck, Author Services, Wiley

January 28, 2020

Learn how to navigate the dos and don’ts of Peer Review and Publishing Ethics. In the second of the Wiley Learn to Publish webinar series, we will be covering all you need to know to understand the Peer Review process and the basics of Publishing Ethics. Hear from our experts on:

• The basics of the peer review process and common models
• What Reviewers are looking for
• Possible outcomes and dealing with rejection
• Your ethical responsibilities as an author
• Penalties for unethical behaviour
• Tips for navigating ethical challenges in scholarly publishing.


Other webinars in our Learn to Publish series include: Get Published – Your How to Webinar and Sharing and Promoting Your Research Webinar (SEO And Altmetrics).

Please note: This is an on-demand version of a previous live event. The ‘Get Published’ eBook and course completion certificate were only available to attendees of the live webinar.

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