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Key Insights on How Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta Increases Teaching Effectiveness


Data-driven insights from UAJY on how teaching becomes more effective through using Wiley Digital Solutions
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Singapore - Indonesia, 19 April 2021 – Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta (UAJY) located in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) has partnered with Wiley Asia Education to improve their teaching and learning environment. In a survey-based study over two academic terms, it was investigated how instructors perceive their teaching effectiveness and the usefulness of Wiley Digital Solutions for the teaching and learning outcomes.

There are three main key findings:

Instructors who used Wiley Digital Solutions report significantly greater teaching effectiveness than non-users. This pattern was robust over the two academic terms.

Instructors perceive Wiley Digital Solutions as useful when preparing courses. For example, over 80% of the instructors who used Wiley Digital Solutions felt that the technology helps them to save time in class preparation.

Instructors also feel that Wiley Digital Solutions makes a positive impact on the students. For example, over 80% stated that their students developed a better understanding of the concepts and course objectives.

In addition, the case study investigated the teaching philosophy of instructors. It was found that users of Wiley Digital Solutions and non-users share similar values of what constitutes a meaningful learning environment for students. However, instructors who use Wiley Digital Solutions put an even stronger emphasis on the importance of students spending time in their course and aim to provide a more personalized learning experience. This aligns with the purpose of Wiley Digital Solutions, which supports instructors in their teaching and students in their learning environment – may it be fully digital or as blended learning.

Find out more about how UAJY supports growth in instructional practice to increase teaching effectiveness by reading the full report.

Click on the thumbnail below to download the full report:

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