AICPA, NASBA Unveil the New CPA Evolution-aligned Model Curriculum


June 18, 2021

The role of the CPA has evolved. This week accounting educators are getting a more detailed look into how they can best support their students to prepare for the new CPA licensure model. In preparation for the CPA Evolution, AICPA and NASBA have officially released their recommended curriculum guidelines.

The new model has a core curriculum that covers essential knowledge needed for future CPAs centered on 1) accounting, 2) tax and auditing, and 3) technology. All candidates would demonstrate a strong core base of knowledge and, thereafter, chose a single discipline from the following advanced content or emerging areas:

  1.  Business Analytics and Reporting
  2.  Information Systems and Controls
  3.  Tax Compliance and Planning

The main motivation for CPA Evolution is to better match the skills required in the competitive field of accounting and is expected to culminate into a new exam in January 2024. Regardless of the discipline chosen, this model would maintain a single, uniform CPA credential.

Overall, the new model prioritizes:

  • A strong core of accounting, tax, and auditing with a technological emphasis throughout
  • Deeper knowledge in three primary discipline areas
  • Enhanced public protection
  • Reflecting the reality of practice
  • Being adaptive and flexible
  • Having one CPA license

The CPA Evolution Model Curriculum was developed by four task forces made up of subject-matter experts from academia and practice. Working in various sized schools, firms, school boards, and more, these experts were able to leverage their insights from current practice analysis.

What are the first steps in integrating the CPA Evolution Model Curriculum into an accounting program?Review the Model Curriculum and identify any content that your program does not currently teach

  • Consider your program’s objectives and strategy in determining how that content should be added
  • Build new learning objectives into existing course areas, where possible
  • Where necessary, begin development of new courses

The model curriculum is meant to be a suggestion and is not a one-size-fits all solution. It is a model for how accounting programs might transition toward the CPA evolution to better prepare future CPAs. While the structure of the new CPA exam emphasizes new topics, a significant portion of the content is similar to the current exam. One major change is a stronger emphasis on data and analysis. Another major difference is breaking up topics into Core topics and Discipline topics. Educators will need to address the CPA Evolution through their curriculum so they can be prepared. While technology is an increased focus, there will be no software requirements outside of being skilled with spreadsheets.  

Overall, the CPA Evolution Model Evolution Curriculum gives accounting educators a look into what current trends exist within the profession and where the future of accounting is headed.

What is the Wiley CPA Evolution Task Force?

Wiley is monitoring all new information released by the AICPA to determine exactly how the CPA Evolution will affect the CPA exam.

We have assembled a task force of lecturers and subject matter experts on the AICPA Evolution task force to chart how CPA exam content will be moved (either to the core material or within the three discipline areas), added, or trimmed. Wiley will make updates to courses and materials as this information is released. 

While there is a lot of change happening within the accounting industry and to the CPA exam, Wiley is keeping tabs on it all and will make sure you are prepared to succeed in your classroom. 


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