The Wiley Network

How Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Improves Learning Outcomes


June 22, 2021

Data-driven insights from PMU on how learning becomes more effective by using Wiley Digital Solutions

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Singapore - Indonesia, 22 June 2021 – Universitas Prasetiya Mulya (PMU) located in Jakarta (Indonesia) has partnered with Wiley Asia Education to explore how Wiley Digital Solutions can help students improve their learning experience and outcome. In a survey-based study over two years, it provided converging evidence on how students at PMU have greatly benefitted from Wiley Digital Solutions with improved learning outcomes.

  1. .Students who used Wiley Digital Solutions reported significantly greater learning outcomes compared than non-users. This robust pattern was found over two academic years.
  2. Students perceive Wiley Digital Solutions as useful when studying for their courses. Over 75% of the students felt that they understood key concepts and course objectives better due to the additional resources made available.
  3. Students also feel that Wiley Digital Solutions makes learning more engaging. More than half reported that they are more engaged and encouraged to interact with lecturer in the classroom.

Find out more about how PMU supports students in improving learning engagement, experience and outcomes by reading the full report.

Click on the thumbnail below to download the full report:

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