The Wiley Network

The Power of Collaboration to Support Open Research


May 22, 2019

Projekt DEAL is one of the ways we're investing in a more open research system. Learn how our groundbreaking agreement came about from Wiley’s VP of Editorial Development, Liz Ferguson.


Liz Ferguson is Vice President, Publishing Development, at Wiley where she leads open access strategy and development. She also has a strong focus on open data initiatives. From 2004-2013 Liz was responsible for Wiley’s program in biology. Before then she held Publisher and other editorial positions at various STM publishing companies. Liz is a member of the Royal Society’s Publishing Board, the External Advisory Board of DataONE, participated in the Universities UK OA Efficiencies Working Group, served two terms on the Board of Dryad, and has been on the organizing committee of the Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing since 2013. 

About the Wiley Society Executive Seminar 

Wiley Society Executive Seminars are annual events for learned society and association staff, currently held in London, Melbourne, Tokyo, and Washington DC. For more information or to request your invitation for 2020, visit

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