The Wiley Network

How do you Discover Content?


Leah Alaani, Senior Marketing Manager, Wiley

November 05, 2021

Keeping up with new content published in your discipline can be a challenge. That’s why we work with a variety of services that help connect researchers with content that is relevant to them.

Explore these free researcher-focused discovery services that partner with Wiley.



An app-style discovery platform that simplifies discovery, Researcher focuses on 10 research areas and offers users the opportunity to create personalized feeds by selecting journals they want to follow.

Visit Researcher >>


Semantic Scholar

Launched in 2015, this free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Stay up to date with the latest research in your field with their AI-enabled, customizable dashboard.

Visit Semantic Scholar >>

Use ScienceOpen to search and discover relevant release in over 73 million Open Access articles and article records. Create topical collections in your field, share your expertise by publicly reviewing articles, and track usage on your papers with article- and author-level metrics.

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An award-winning platform, scite users Smart Citations to help researchers discover and evaluate scientific articles. With free as well as paid access options, scite provides generous discounts for academic and student users on their paid access levels.

Visit scite >>


This article is part of the series Real World Impact with Wiley Research.

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