The Wiley Network

Can Academic and Corporate Collaboration Drive Life-Changing Research and Discovery?


Melody Lee, Library Services, APAC

May 14, 2019

Find out why Bill Deluise, Vice President, Partner Marketing at Wiley, believes that academic and corporate collaborations are “…the only way that life changing impact can be driven.” Or as Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, from the National University of Singapore puts it, “In a nutshell, it’s a better use of human capital.”

In this episode, we speak to Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, from the National University of Singapore, Martine Docking and Bill Deluise from John Wiley & Sons -about the various ways these collaborations are driving research and discovery.

Bill Deluise is Vice President, Partner Marketing at Wiley. (Speaking at 0:45)

Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. (Speaking at 1:45)

Martine Docking is Vice President of Global Corporate Sales at Wiley. (Speaking at 3:35)

This podcast was recorded at the Wiley Research Seminar Japan 2018. The conference saw a full house of executives from the corporate sector, academic societies as well as universities, all eager for the latest research and publishing trends, go-to innovations, and collaboration possibilities across their sectors.

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