Helping your authors prepare and promote articles


Nabil Pimentel-Basdeo, Coordinator, Digital Product Management, Wiley

January 28, 2021

Wiley Editing Services has been helping authors reach their publishing goals since 2013. But to ensure we continue to offer a best-in-class range of services, last year we relaunched the whole portfolio. New services include enhanced offerings for article preparation and a brand-new suite of article promotion services to meet and exceed the expectations of our researcher and editor communities.

The graphic below highlights Wiley Editing Services' achievements supporting your journal's authors in the past 12 months since relaunching and expanding the service.

Infographic showing some of the highlights from Wiley Editing Services

Some of the amazing comments we have received from our authors:

“Wiley Editing Services has been of great help to me, because I am from non-English speaking country and through this service, I give to my scientific manuscripts, the finishing needed to be accepted without problems in international scientific journals with high impact factor. I think it is the best service of its kind that exists today.” -D. Perez-Brito

“I have tried and used some other English editing services before, whereas delays or disappointments showed up frequently. Through repeated consideration and selection, the performance of Wiley Editing Services does surprise me. Not only because they can assure the completion time, one day ahead of the schedule; but also, the revised paper turns out to be smooth in literature and clarified in logic. To me, Wiley Editing Services can be regarded as the one with international high level, and it is trustworthy.” – K. Xuezhi

“It was a great help to get the feedback on the document. It saved me hours.” -C. Steeneken

Wiley Editing Services offers:

  • English language editing
  • Academic translation
  • Academic illustration
  • Figure formatting
  • Graphical abstract design
  • Journal recommendation
  • Manuscript formatting
  • Video creation
  • Conference poster creation
  • Cover image design
  • Infographic creation
  • Lay summaries
  • Research news stories

Additionally, we were able to assist our research community by providing free editing services on articles related to COVID-19. We’re grateful to have been able to support researchers and help drive the changes needed to solve this global issue. We firmly believe that scientific research today creates a better future for us all as we move forward together.

We’re dedicated to continuously improving our services, quality, and timeliness to support researchers and provide the best experience possible. For more information on our services, please visit Wiley Editing Services and direct your authors to the site.

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