The Wiley Network

5 Questions: Brenton Hammer, Assistant Editor/Synthetic Organic and Polymer Chemistry


Aleksandra Vujic, Assistant Publishing Director, Wiley-VCH

December 16, 2021

Please introduce yourself:

My name is Brenton Hammer, and I work as an Assistant Editor/Synthetic organic and polymer chemistry. I received my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 2007, and my Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering in 2013. I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research under the advisement of Professor Dr. Klaus Müllen from 2013-2016. After a couple years in academia, I joined the Wiley team in 2021 as an assistant editor.

What is/was your relationship with Wiley-VCH?

I currently work as an Assistant editor for Advanced Materials, Advanced Materials Interfaces, and Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics.

Why did you choose to work in academic publishing?

I have multiple experiences in a wide range of positions in academia, so I wanted to experience the publishing side and everything that goes into transforming laboratory research into published research articles.

What was your most remarkable situation or exciting experience during this time? (For long-time employees, in addition: How has working at Wiley-VCH changed over time?)

I am quite new to Wiley-VCH, so I do not have extensive experiences. I will note that I started in February 2021, while everyone was doing home office, and the introduction and training went as smoothly as could be expected. I received all of the technology I needed on time and without issues, while my colleagues who trained me, as well as the digital infrastructure, allowed me to get acclimated in no time. Overall, it was a pleasant experience given all of the potential obstacles.

What are you most looking forward to in this anniversary year?

I am looking forward to learning more about the history of Wiley-VCH, as well as experiencing new aspects of the job first-hand.

Please complete this sentence: 100 Years of Growing Knowledge is….

100 Years of Growing Knowledge is just the beginning.

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