The Wiley Network

10 easy ways to make sure your article gets read


Kris Bishop, Marketing Manager, Wiley

September 23, 2013

It’s been estimated that over 50 million scholarly articles have been published globally (Jinha, 2010) since the first journals were launched over 400 years ago and that the number of articles published increases by about 3.3% annually. So in this expanding sea of research, how can you increase the chances that your article and your audience will connect? Here are some suggestions…

  1. Set The Stage (SEO): Think about Search Engine Optimization as you write, referring to SEO guides as needed (example of SEO guide). Once your work has been accepted for publication, ask your editor or publisher what other resources are available for authors. For example, the Wiley Author Services site provides production tracking information so you know when your article will publish, instructions on how to nominate up to 10 colleagues for free access when your article does go live online, and more. (Related Exchange: “Search Engine Optimization and Your Journal Article: Do You Want the Bad News First?”)
  2. Use Those E-Alerts: Once you have the official link to your article, you can start sending it around, so get notified the minute your article goes live online by registering beforehand for email alerts from the journal your work is going to be published in (example: Register for Wiley Table of Content Alerts). Many publishing companies offer this service and you can almost always adjust your preferences or unsubscribe at any time.
  3. Reach Out to Your Media Relations Office: Send a description and the link to your article to your communications or media relations office so they can raise awareness through your organization’s official outlets.
  4. Share It On Social Media: Share your article on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms. Engage with colleagues and professional society social media accounts, especially around annual conference time. If you are using Twitter, remember that one article does not need to equal one tweet. Summarize the key points over a series of tweets if the content warrants it. (Related Exchange: “Sharing Science: How Social Media Can Help Break Down Disciplinary Boundaries)
  5. Wikipedia: One of the first places many people look for substantive information is Wikipedia, so try finding a Wikipedia page on a topic related to your article, log in or register, and add content and your article link as a reference. Check Wikipedia’s guide page for more info on how to use the site.
  6. Email It: Send an email with a brief note and the article link to those three or four colleagues in your organization who would be curious to see what you’ve been working on. Do you already have a half-written email about something else? Add a “P.S.” line and a link to your new article at the bottom of the next few emails you write to contacts in your field.
  7. Tell Your Librarian: Most librarians want to promote the work of their institution members through their own networks and social media outlets, so let them know you’ve got something to share. Your librarian can be your best marketer. (Related Exchange: “How We at NTU Libraries Engage Our User Community”)
  8. Update Your Faculty Webpage/CV: Add the article title and link to your faculty or professional webpage, especially if there is a “Recently Published Works” or CV section.
  9. Talk It Up: Don’t forget that original form of social media – the conversation. Come up with a few quick, simple phrases to message what your article is about to other people, whether they are waiting for a session at an academic conference or in line for lunch. In 60 seconds, how would you explain what your article is about to someone in a different field of study?
  10. Blog It: Post a description and link to your article on a relevant blog or listserv in a primary post or “comments” section. See below for a free publicity opportunity along these lines. (Related Exchange: Beyond Our Monkey Metaphor Quota: An Evolutionary Conversation on Blogs, MOOCs, and Other Silly Words”)

TRY TIP #10 RIGHT NOW: The best research has the potential to cross subject areas when communicated well, so here’s a free chance to experiment with sharing your work with a wider audience. In the “Comments” section below, post a brief description of an article you’ve published, adjusting for a non-specialized audience. Don’t forget to include a link so we can check out your work!



Jinha, A.E., 2010. Article 50 Million: An Estimate of the Number of Scholarly Articles in Existence. Learned Publishing, July 2010, pp. 258-263.

Promote Your Article

Published and ready to promote your article? Read our how-to guide to scholarly article promotion!

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