The Wiley Network

Journal Resources and Workflows to Support Speed, Sharing, and Openness


Leah Webster , Senior Journals Publishing Managers,Wiley

August 03, 2020

Implementing and adopting innovative workflows is of paramount importance in supporting open research. Improving workflows helps reduce the work for authors, reviewers, and editors, with the aim of improving the transparency and visibility of the peer review process. We are investing in technology to help facilitate collaboration between authors, increase the fast dissemination of published research, and ensure that research is discoverable and reproducible. 

Now, more than ever, it is essential that authors are able to share their research as quickly as possible. There are several resources available to journals published by Wiley to help support faster dissemination of research at various stages of the peer review and publication process. If your journal is not utilizing these services yet please talk to your Journal Publishing Manager to discuss whether these are appropriate for your community.

Registered Reports

This is an innovative approach to peer review to help make research more reproducible. Researchers submit the rationale for their study (including methods) to a journal prior to data collection. Peer review prior to data collection emphasizes the importance of the research question and the methods. High-quality studies are provisionally accepted, eliminating questionable research practices, including low statistical power, selective reporting, and publication bias.

Transparent Peer Review

Transparency in peer review makes it clear to readers the how, what, and why behind editorial-decision making to help encourage greater accountability.

Accepted Articles

These are articles that have been published online immediately after acceptance, but before copy editing and typesetting. Although these articles are still to undergo copy-editing and proof correction, the article is downloadable and citable to ensure the widest possible readership.

Early View

Articles are published online on Wiley Online Library before inclusion in an issue. Early View articles are the Version of Record, which means that the article is fully citable and carries an online publication date and DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Articles are readily available, and readers do not have to wait for the issue to be published to read the content.

Data Sharing

Research data is as important as the published article. When data is FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), the process becomes more efficient as researchers can access and analyze each other’s results and reuse it to inform new findings. Read more about Editors’ Perspectives on Data Sharing.


Many authors are also sharing their research as quickly as possible by making their research available as a preprint. A preprint is a version of a manuscript that has been shared publicly (often posted on a preprint server or repository) prior to formal peer review or publication in a journal. By uploading their research to a preprint server, authors can ensure that their research is publicly available either before or during submission to a journal.

At Wiley, we believe journals should allow for the submission of manuscripts that have already been made available on a preprint server. Allowing submission does not, of course, guarantee that an article will be sent out for review; it simply reflects a belief that availability on a preprint server should not be a disqualifier for submission. Authors (and editors) can check individual journal policies on preprints using our Author Compliance Tool.

Preprint Alerter is a new machine learning tool from Wiley that addresses the needs of journal editors to be aware of new preprints that fit the topical scope of their journal. Now editors do not need to search long lists of articles across multiple preprint servers, but instead can rely on Preprint Alerter to highlight relevant articles for consideration.

Speed to Publication during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have created a suite of resources for the academic community on COVID-19 research, community initiatives, and Tools for Sharing Research During This Time. Utilizing Wiley’s Under Review service we have made COVID-19 research, submitted to Wiley journals which utilize the Under Review service, available as a preprint upon submission. You can find the COVID-19 Wiley Open Research Preprints here.


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