The Wiley Network

It’s Time the Option to Publish Author Pronouns Becomes Business As Usual


Joseph Krumpfer, Associate Editor, Wiley And Jane Domino, Process Manager, Wiley

May 11, 2022

How can we build a more equitable and inclusive community for researchers? Listening to our authors and enacting change based on their feedback is key. This is why we have now made author pronouns available on Wiley journals!

What does this mean?

Authors can now include their pronouns in the bylines of articles they publish with us. They can also request to change their pronouns in previously published articles – with no need for a correction or co-author notification. This feature is immediately available to all authors and is enabled on all Wiley journals.

Why is this important to authors?

Diversity is key to the success of scientific progress. By enabling authors to publish their pronouns, we are embracing the diversity of our scientific communities, promoting acceptance of all identities, and preventing unnecessary and unintentional misgendering.

This new feature came from listening to authors, learning, and making the necessary changes to better support them. Authors have told us they love our updated Author Name Change policy – enabling author pronouns complements and expands upon that progress.

As authors increasingly request to include their pronouns in the author bylines of articles, we are responding by updating and improving our systems and processes. It’s time that the option to publish author pronouns becomes business as usual.

What does the process look like?

Authors can choose to include their pronouns as they please; it is never required in the submission process.

Authors can include their pronouns in their manuscript upon submission or during proof review. And they can add, edit, or remove their pronouns at any stage upon request - submitting/corresponding authors should always get consent from their co-author before adding, editing, or removing that co-author's pronouns. To protect the author’s privacy, post-publication changes can be made without a correction notice to the paper. This goes for our Author Name Change policy, too.

Pronouns will publish exactly as provided by the author. To avoid any errors, our copyeditors will not edit the pronouns provided by the author at any stage.

This change helps us to embrace the diversity of our authors and takes us one step closer to an equitable, inclusive publishing world. We all have a part to play; thanks to our authors and our partners for helping us to make meaningful change!

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