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3 Secrets to Building Successful Teams


Anthony Scaramucci, Wiley Author

March 29, 2017

Successful teams are the life-blood of any high-performing organization. Great team dynamics enable businesses to run smoothly and efficiently, while at the same time ensuring profitability and sustainability in the long run.

Bestselling author Anthony Scaramucci reveals the secrets to building successful teams in his new book, Hopping over the Rabbit Hole: How Entrepreneurs Turn Failure into Success. In the three tips below, Scaramucci explains some of how talent can be brought together to create high-performing teams.

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Find and Hire People Who Are More Talented Than You

Find them, hire them, share your vision, and let them do their thing. The same philosophy should apply at every level of an organization—not just the senior management level. As Malcolm Forbes once said, “Never hire someone who knows less than you do about what they’re hired to do.” In other words, every manager should hire people whose skills add to the greater value of the team.  This leads to the second tip.

2. Colleagues Should Check Their Egos at the Door

When it comes to hiring smart people, the human ego can kick into high gear. Other colleagues might worry about being one-upped, thus creating a downward spiral that leads to a toxic and highly political environment. It’s essential to establish a team-first mentality so that every person in the organization feels empowered, and so that they understand individual success will be measured, in part, by how they interact with teammates and colleagues. And lastly…

3. Know When to Get Out of the Way

Jack Welch used to say General Electric was a bunch of small start-ups. Welch’s philosophy was simple, “If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it, you almost don’t have to manage them.” In other words, he understood the power of avoiding the bottleneck, of putting your people in the best possible position to succeed and then getting out of the way.

To learn more about Scaramucci’s new book, click here.



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