The Wiley Network

5 Ways to Avoid Burnout at Work


Annie Sullivan, Copywriter, Wiley

March 06, 2019

Every day, millions of employees get closer and closer to burning out at their jobs. In fact, 23% of employees report feeling burned out at work often or always. Maybe it’s due to longer hours, more responsibilities, a hostile work environment, or just pure exhaustion. Whatever the reason, there are ways you can fight to keep your sanity at work so you don’t become the next casualty of work burnout—and so you can avoid health issues like gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, and high cholesterol that are associated with job burnout. 

1. Take a Day Off

So many workers don’t take all their paid time off. Either they think they’re too busy or they think management will frown on them for actually taking a break. But everyone needs a break now and then, and the best way to recharge from office burnout is actually to get out of the office. 

2. Get More Sleep

The more rested you are, the more likely you’ll be able to get up and out of bed in the morning without the feeling of dread over going to the office. Plus, you’ll have more energy to get all your tasks done. 

3. Go for a Walk

Take small breaks during the day to clear your head. Take a lap around the building. Do a quick 5-minute online meditation. Do what you need to do to reset so you don’t lose your cool mentally. 

4. Talk to HR 

If a hostile work environment is making you miserable, talk to HR. See what resolutions can be reached. Can they move your desk? Is there another role open on a different team/location? Do you simply need to communicate with colleagues better, so you don’t get on each other’s nerves? 

5. Talk to Your Manager

Have work expectations risen exponentially? A Gallup poll found that 40% of workers didn’t know what was expected of them at work, which only adds to stress. Talk to your boss about priorities or offer suggestions for approaching the work differently so you can agree together how to handle your workload moving forward. 

Once you’re not feeling so burnt out, you’ll be more productive and might just remember the reason you started that job in the first place. 

Do you have tips for avoiding burnout? Let us know in the comments below. 

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