The Wiley Network

How to distinguish yourself with ORCID


Phil Wright, Associate Product Marketing Director & Author Marketing, Wiley

May 28, 2015

Have you ever been asked to list your work?

The following scenarios possibly sound familiar…

• Your funding organization wants to review your past work before making an award

• Your institution needs you to provide a list of work before your promotion review

• Potential collaborators are struggling to find if you’re the correct person for their project

You end up filling out endless paperwork with the same information which can be a huge strain on your valuable time. Time that you could be spending conducting more research, or managing your teaching commitments.

So how do you beat this paperwork trap?

The solution is ORCiD – an open and non-profit organization. The ORCID iD is a unique and persistent identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and connects you to your research activities. It makes it clear which activities are yours – no matter how your name is expressed.

There is a growing tide of opinion that ORCiD will ultimately become the standard unique author identifier – used and adopted throughout the researcher community. In addition to tackling the issue of author disambiguation, the thought of (potentially) only needing one single login when using Wiley and other major publishers’ electronic editorial office systems, is something that would appeal to most authors.  We therefore recommend all our authors take advantage of this free service (provided by ORCiD) and register for an ORCID iD. Furthermore, ORCiD takes privacy very seriously, and gives you the flexibility around who can and can’t see your information.

How do you register for an ORCID iD?

All Wiley ScholarOne journal websites* allow you to register for an ORCID iD and then associate it with your ScholarOne account. If your paper is published, your ORCID iD is displayed on your article in Wiley Online Library and then submitted to CrossRef, where you can connect your paper back to your ORCiD record.

Registering for your ORCID iD (through ScholarOne) only takes 2 minutes. To help make it as simple as possible, we have created an instructional PDF and how to video to guide you through the process.


So when you are next asked to list your work, simply allow your institution or organization to view your ORCiD record and say goodbye to extensive paperwork.

For more information, take a look at our ORCiD web page.

*For more information on registering for an ORCID iD using other electronic editorial office systems, please contact

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