The Wiley Network

8 Things to Do Before You Manage Your Boss


Bruce Tulgan, Wiley Author

September 09, 2016

In today’s busy world, managing your workload can be difficult, but it can be even more difficult when you feel like you have to manage your boss as well. It’s hard enough just keeping yourself on task some days!

However, if you feel like your boss isn’t necessarily pulling his/her weight or setting the best example, should you jump in and tell him/her? There are a variety of factors that need to go into that decision. Everything from your place in the company to your past history with your boss should be taken into account when deciding if you should step up. Above all, you need to make sure your own behavior is above reproach before you go about correcting someone else. If you’re in a situation where your own actions can be questioned, your boss will miss your message entirely as the focus switches to you.

Along with those considerations, there are also certain times and ways this situation should be approached to minimize the chances of embarrassment and hard feelings.  If you choose to approach your boss, do so in a private setting and make sure to be a problem solver and not just a complainer. Pointing out undesirable behavior will not help unless there is a viable solution to the issue.

Learn more ways to effectively approach your relationship with your boss here.

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