The Wiley Network

What is Healthy Computer and Human Interaction? FrontRunner Podcast Series


James Bowen, CEO, Experiential Simulations

April 03, 2019

Simon Morris and Tara Akhavan are the CEO and CTO of IRYstec, a company combining both qualitative and quantitative sciences to produce a new technology product. They discuss the need for healthy machine-human interaction and take an interdisciplinary approach to produce a measurable human health improvement when using computer displays. Simon and Tara also provide their perspective on the need to focus on more than technological functionality in products but also on the human health aspect of interacting with computer devices and the role science can take in achieving that goal.

Podcast host: James Bowen, is an author, professor, and CEO of Experiential Simulations, a producer of simulations for teaching entrepreneurship and ethics.

Know someone that is insightful in a professional context and would be a great podcast guest?  Topics are organizational or professional in nature and provide the listener with insight and conclusions derived from experience and thoughtful analysis of observations.  Contact James Bowen

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