Wiley Customer Success

Promoting The Cochrane Library in your Institution



Do you have Cochrane Library? Let your users know!

Highlighting the availability of the Cochrane Library within your institution is an important way to drive usage and valuable engagement with your content.

Below you will find a collection of ready-to-use promotional banners, posters and videos to help you alert your researchers, faculty and students to the content at their fingertips.

These materials are available for you to download and print as needed – please do share them via social media, email and on your library portal!

Want to learn more about social media best practices? 

Take our Social Media course, specifically designed to help you succeed in connecting with your communities on social media. You can take one, or all of the modules, whenever you have time.

Download social banners: 
1200x630 pixels 
1080x1080 pixels 

Download promotional banners:
728x90 pixels
300x250 pixels

Download posters:

Download video:
Mp4 video

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