The Wiley Network

Open Access Training for Administrators, Librarians and Authors in Transformational Agreements


As you begin your Transformational Agreement with us, we want to ensure you and your researchers have everything you need to be successful from day 1. Our training sessions and webinars are fantastic ways for you and your users to become confident using Wiley’s Open access dashboard, Oable, and Wiley's author services. Trainings can be tailored to suit your institution’s strategic objectives. Hear what attendees say about our trainings:


Wiley is the publisher that has given us the most information, the one that has organized the best training sessions, and the one that has, in my opinion, the best portal to validate the payment of APCs charged to the agreements.

Pablo Pérez Ballester, Universidad de Murcia

We are incredibly grateful for your presentation. It was very detailed, comprehensive, and attentive. Every single sentence was constructive. We appreciate that Wiley takes such care in helping the researchers of the Hungarian consortium with OA publishing.

Belső-Stefán Eszter, Institutional Coordinator EISZ

Overall, a very good experience. The speakers were knowledgeable and able to successfully communicate the topics at hand. The presentations were detailed and comprehensible. The issues discussed were very interesting and helpful. The speakers delivered a highly professional but at the same time friendly and easygoing session. Many thanks and congrats to the Wiley Team. 

Librarian and attendee

The seminars support the search for relevant information and provide resources to motivate yourself to submit a paper to Wiley. 

Assol Cortés Moreno, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Sessions for Administrators and Librarians

Administrator Dashboard Training 
• How to access and get the most from your administrator dashboard
• Reviewing and approving requests
• How to set up email notifications and reports
• Understanding the authors’ publication workflow
Audience: Administrators of a Wiley Open Access Account through Oable or Wiley Open Access Administrator Dashboard (WOAAD). Ideal before or right after the launch of your agreement or during renewal. This session is tailored to the specific configuration of your account.


Clinic Session: Administrator Dashboard
• Review accessing the administrator dashboard, approving requests, and setting up notifications.
• Q&A: Topics can include questions relative to the agreement, the dashboard, reports, author
workflow, and more.
Audience: Administrators of a Wiley Open Access Account through Oable or Wiley Open Access Administrator Dashboard (WOAAD).  This could be repeated as needed throughout the year or as new administrators are onboarded. 


Sessions for Researchers and Authors

Accessing Wiley Journals and Publication Tips for Authors and Researchers
• How to access Wiley Online Library to make the most out of your content
• How to run basic and advanced searches on Wiley Online Library
• Where to find citation, Altmetric, and Impact Factor information
• Where to submit your manuscript, find the Author Guidelines, and Aims & Scope of a journal
• Publication tips for authors:
• Submission and review: what to expect?
• Writing tips
Audience: Researchers and authors affiliated with an institution with an Open Access agreement with Wiley.


Author Workshop: How to publish in Wiley Open Access Journals
• What is Open Access and what are the benefits?
• Author workflow: how to submit a manuscript to an Open Access journal and getting the APC covered through an existing agreement with your institution
• Publication tips for authors:
• Why publish
• Submission and review: what to expect?
• Writing tips
• Tools for authors: Author Services and Wiley Editing Services
Audience: Researchers and authors affiliated with an institution with an Open Access agreement with Wiley.

All of our training sessions are hosted on GoToWebinar which enables us to:
• Create customized registrations and limit the number of attendees (up to 3,000)
• Send automated reminders to registrants prior to each event
• Interact with attendees via chat, video, or polls
• Generate certificates for those who complete the session
• Record sessions and share afterwards
• Gain post-event insight into attendance, engagement, and overall satisfaction

This is an overview of the training sessions we offer. If you would like to discuss further or have additional training needs, please let your Customer Success Manager know or message the Training team at

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