Advanced career center technology

With unrivaled job board technology, Madgex continues to lead the industry and drive innovation forward.

Our team of highly experienced, dedicated data scientists, engineers, UX designers, and developers are passionate about what they do. Our passion for innovation and product development is how we deliver the best technology to help you remain at the forefront of your industry.


screenshot of CFA

Fully configurable and highly flexible

No cookie-cutter templated sites here! Our software lets your niche job board look like yours and guarantees that you stand out from the competition.

Machine learning technology

We utilize true AI and machine learning. With our boards, candidates are being served more targeted, more relevant jobs that are aligned to their unique interests and career goals, improving click-through rates and overall response rates.

Female professional sitting in office environment and working on her laptop.

Superior SEO

We know SEO. We built powerful SEO tools right into our software. With the ever-increasing number of job boards, superior SEO strategies are critical to rise above the competition. 

First-Rate User Experience

Smart design improves conversions. Our UX experts design a top-notch experience for your members, resulting in improved brand awareness and loyalty, and ultimately attracting new members and customers.

Female professional sitting in office environment and working on her laptop.

Usability & Accessibility

We are always working to increase the accessibility, inclusivity, and usability of our products. We can proudly say that our clients have the most accessible job boards on the market. Accessible design is an ongoing commitment and process for us rather than an achievement. 

Ongoing Commitment

Accessibility is not just an achievement, but an ongoing commitment and process. We have a team of accessibility champions who are actively reviewing our products, ensuring accessibility-led design, and building our knowledge of accessibility. We have a commitment to going beyond the standard guidelines and achieving gold standard accessibility for all our products.

Any device

Our accessibility expertise and responsive platform ensure our products are perfectly accessible and a great experience on any device. This includes ensuring they work with screen readers and other assistive technologies, as well as on phones, tablets, and desktops.

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