Maximize revenue and future-proof your organization

Partner with Madgex for your full-service career center solution 

A career center partner you can trust to know your niche, represent your brand, and deliver results

Grow your revenue, deepen engagement, and boost your traffic by coupling the best technology on the market with our team of experienced, specialist recruitment sales experts & career center success managers. 

Two males working together on a computer

Increase non-dues revenue

A full-service career center solution enables you to deliver more value to your community while earning more non-dues revenue to fund your mission.

Our team of sales professionals and recruitment specialists have generated millions in revenue for clients across the globe.

Our expert marketing team will help generate more engagement for your career center, giving employers more motivation to advertise with you.


Group of people looking at computer

Improve member engagement

Increase the value you offer and be more for your members with an innovative online career center.

Become the lifelong career partner of your association members, connecting them with their next career move and fostering real loyalty. With us, you can go beyond online job search and truly become a full career center, enabling your audience to gain even more value from their membership.

We help your members thrive across their entire journey. We do this by driving the value exchange between societies, employers, and professionals at every step. 

Get strategic insight

A high-performing career center can unlock more data insights than any other area of your association.

Use this wealth of data to truly understand your users and offer them more relevant content and services.

With our advanced reporting suite and full access to your data, you gain insight to help you personalize the experience and increase engagement. With single-sign-on integration, you can easily have one view of all the user data for your audience.

  1. Increase Non-Dues Revenue

    Two males working together on a computer

    Increase non-dues revenue

    A full-service career center solution enables you to deliver more value to your community while earning more non-dues revenue to fund your mission.

    Our team of sales professionals and recruitment specialists have generated millions in revenue for clients across the globe.

    Our expert marketing team will help generate more engagement for your career center, giving employers more motivation to advertise with you.


  2. Improve Member Engagement

    Group of people looking at computer

    Improve member engagement

    Increase the value you offer and be more for your members with an innovative online career center.

    Become the lifelong career partner of your association members, connecting them with their next career move and fostering real loyalty. With us, you can go beyond online job search and truly become a full career center, enabling your audience to gain even more value from their membership.

    We help your members thrive across their entire journey. We do this by driving the value exchange between societies, employers, and professionals at every step. 

  3. Get Strategic Insight

    Get strategic insight

    A high-performing career center can unlock more data insights than any other area of your association.

    Use this wealth of data to truly understand your users and offer them more relevant content and services.

    With our advanced reporting suite and full access to your data, you gain insight to help you personalize the experience and increase engagement. With single-sign-on integration, you can easily have one view of all the user data for your audience.

Man standing and women sitting in their chairs listening attentively.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to learn how we can help your business reach its full potential with career centers for associations, online job boards, job board software, and so much more!

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