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On-demand webinars

doctor holding cell phone

Engage and educate HCPs through trusted content

Industry insights - How to use content to connect with HCPs in meaningful conversations that facilitate education and make clinical impact. Speakers: Vladimir Bulatov, Regional Medical Director, Novartis and Harriet Jeckells, Sr. Director, Content Product and Digital events, Wiley.

person writing on paper

The peer-review landscape in 2023

Editorial insights – Learn about the different peer review models and recent innovations, and gain insight into the peer review process. Speaker: Sarah Lennon, Executive Editor, New Phytologist Foundation

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Publication planning and manuscript preparation for high-ranking journals

Editorial insights – Based on the evolving HCP content needs, discover key opportunities to maximize readership and article impact. Speaker: Prof. Richard Donnelly, Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

doctor holding clip board

Improve engagement with HCPs

Industry insights - drive healthcare professional engagement based on findings from our study of HCPs' evolving content needs and preferences.

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Best Practices for successful publication of industry sponsored content

Editorial insights – Learn how to navigate the complexities around the submission and successful publication of industry-sponsored content. Speaker: Prof. Richard Donnelly, Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism


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Best practices for successful publication of industry sponsored content

In partnership with MAPS –Navigate the complexities around the submission and successful publication of industry-sponsored content. Speaker: Prof. Richard Donnelly, Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism and Felix David, Ex-Editor of Trends, Wiley

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Practical tips to deliver medical education successfully

In partnership with MAPS – How do you deliver impactful medical education? Hear expert insights on how to design medical education programs successfully for today’s healthcare professionals. Speakers: B. Lukowski, Immunology Medical Lead at UCB Japan; K. Lim, Regional Medical Operations & Excellence Director - Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa at Novartis, and A. List, Corporate Solutions Director for Asia Pacific at Wiley.

person looking at computer with their headphones on

Driving clinical impact through effective e-learning: practical tip

In partnerships with MAPS - Learn about best practices for eLearning development and publication with Professor Michael Kirby, currently the Editor of Trends in Urology & Men’s Health and Sucharita Kundu, Senior Content Strategist at Wiley.