Articles & Insights

Top 10 Tips for Hosting Webinars with Wiley

From marketing, to management and even infotainment, webinars continue to be a fantastic tool for organizations to achieve their goals. Their scalability and accessibility give them great utility compared to in-person meetings alone. With webinar usage up 162% and attendance nearly quadrupling* we’re sharing some top tips to help you maximize audience engagement.

  1. Define your goal: Define early on what success looks like for you, whether it’s lead generation, thought leadership, or more. Work with Wiley’s experienced project management team who will help you define measurable and attainable goals.
  2. Know your audience: Who are they? What are they interested in? Consider time zones, demographics, and typical availability. Wiley has experience working with your audience and can guide you to select the best day and time. Our project plans will help keep you on track for success.
  3. Plan for marathon, not a sprint: Give enough time to meet your goals – solid marketing, content creation, and event execution can’t be rushed.
  4. Establish the content: Leverage Wiley’s content experts like PhD. level editors and key opinion leads in the fields which can help bring credibility to your event.
  5. Market accordingly: Capture the most relevant audiences through our integrated marketing activities. Our team will help identify the value of the event to attendees and why they should they register.
  6. Create checkpoints: Having regular checkpoints with your dedicated project manager throughout the project leading up to the webinar keeps everyone involved and engaged.
  7. Test run: Your experienced project manager will help prerecord your content, upload and test in advance. It is our mission to ensure everyone involved is familiar and comfortable with the technology used before the event.
  8. Focus on attendee experience: Wiley’s simplified registration pages, clear marketing communication, and interactive elements will add to the overall experience for attendees.
  9. Give your event life after the live broadcast: Our project managers will have your sponsored webinar content available for viewing or downloading shortly after the event. We will share the on-demand content with you for life after the live broadcast.
  10.  Follow up: Using the webinar specific reports delivered by your Wiley project manager, review feedback from the audience, check event metrics, and work with your project manager to adapt goals and offerings for the next event you sponsor.

*Businesswire, 2021