Articles & Insights

Uncover the Content Habits of Industry Professionals

Want to reach the audiences that matter to you? Brand trust is key. Establishing that trust sets out how – and when – audiences think about your brand. What value can your brand offer them? And how can you show that value? Here, we share some thoughts and trends that we believe will enhance brand trust in 2023.

Creating a Community Voice

Consumers are increasingly turning to audio for entertainment, news, and industry insights. Podcasts are popular as audiences seek an easy, quick way to get the information they need.

This has opened up unique opportunities for marketers to position themselves as thought leaders, while connecting with audiences in a way that suits their fast-paced lifestyles. Podcasts offer a great way to create a community of experts and share discoveries, opinions, and innovations, all while enhancing trust in what you say. 

In fact, by 2023, podcast ad revenue is forecasted to reach $2.2 billion according to IAB. And what’s more, 40% of consumers tend to believe that podcast ads are less intrusive compared to other ads. When creating these, keep them brief. For example, our corporate solutions podcast ads tend to be around 10 minutes. These podcasts allow researchers, medical agencies, and industry marketers podcasts to communicate messages, studies, and research to key targeted audiences in ways they enjoy and at times they can listen.

Virtual Events

The virtual events market is expected to grow by $7.41 billion from 2020 to 2025. This is no surprise as we saw a huge shift for this need during the pandemic. In a survey conducted in 2021, we found that researchers preferred webinars as their top 3 formats of content to consume information and insights.

Industry magazines are still an important resource

Traditional routes to reach industry professionals, such as articles, books, and industry magazines, are still vital communications tools for this audience. When asked how they keep up with news in their field, 68% of respondents turn to articles from news organizations and blogs as key sources. 50% of respondents refer to industry magazines and identified the content as a trusted source of information.

Finding trustworthy information is critical to this audience when trying to find the latest techniques, products, and news for their field. They are actively seeking content relevant to their field and care about information that will help their everyday work.

Engaging with virtual events and conferences will continue to be important 

The increase in virtual events and webinars as a resource for sharing information and creating educational content during the pandemic is here to stay. One respondent said “important information was not being exchanged” during the pandemic. Virtual events have filled in this gap for open conversations, live Q&A, global access, and on-demand availability. These virtual events and webinars allow registrants to view on their own time when they can. Industry professionals’ top reasons for attending online events were time-saving (67%), reducing the cost/expense of attending (64%), and being accessible from anywhere in the world (55%).

Our survey shows that respondents plan to attend more virtual events than live ones within the next year. 11% of respondents plan on attending more than 10 virtual events vs. 4% of respondents who plan on attending more than 10 live events within the next year.

The survey offers a glimpse into changes in what matters most to industry professionals right now. Although articles remain the most consumed form of content, these professionals are widening where and how they keep themselves informed.

Want to discover more? View the full report

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