Elevating the Job Seeker Experience: Upgrades to Our Job Detail Page

By Leo Hardy, Senior Product Manager, Madgex

As a technology provider, Madgex strives to push the boundaries of speed, UX, security, and accessibility. By investing in continuous upgrades, we enhance the performance and functionality of our software, increase member engagement and non-dues revenue—future-proofing your society or business.

One example of a continuous upgrade that we’ve recently executed is the job detail page.


Why is the job detail page important?

The job detail page is one of the most crucial pages on a career center: It’s where job seekers find information about the job, the employer, and the application process.

A well-designed job detail page can improve the overall user experience and help to streamline the job search and application process, leading to better job matches and faster hiring times.

What did the team at Madgex do to improve and refine the job detail page?

While we continually test and iterate on our pages, we felt this one was due an overhaul, and we set out with some clear goals in mind:

  • Create an aesthetically clean, informative layout with a mobile-first approach
  • Improve page load time, particularly on mobile devices
  • Reduce the time and effort required to complete the application process

After various iterations, tests, and concepts to explore which information and layout produced the best results, as well as user testing, surveys, diary studies and technology reviews, we settled on the following changes:

  •  The summary tab is pared down to include only the most significant, application-driving information. We’ve also built in some flexibility, so that our clients can adjust the summary tab to suit their business
  • Employer information has its own tab so that users can more easily find information about the employer and its culture
  • The application cover message is optional, as our employer research suggested that this information is rarely used
  • We changed to a micro-services-based architecture, so the page is now quicker to load
  • New design tools are available to give the overall design a more contemporary look and feel

What benefits have we seen from this new job details page architecture?

To really see how the new job details page performs, we did A/B testing against the previous version seasonal and socio-economic factors that may influence the results of sequential testing.

What did our A/B testing find? Compared to the previous version, the new job details page showed

  • 9.5% increase in overall applications
  • 11.5% increase in application form completion
  • 17% increase in job alert creations
  • A significant boost in page speed (varies per site)

In addition to this, the new ‘employer tab,’ where job seekers can read about the employer without leaving the job page, resulted in >35% more employer profile views.

How do these results impact future product development?

With evidence showing the positive impacts of the new job detail page architecture, we are rebuilding other experiences to make use of what we discovered.

To learn more about how the Madgex team is continuously improving our platform speed, UX, security and accessibility. 

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