Perform your best on the GMAT™ Exam with GMAT™ Official Prep

From the makers of the GMAT™ Exam, GMAT™ Official Prep provides expert advice, official guides, practice questions from past exams with detailed answer explanations, and practice exams.

Why Study with GMAT™ Official Guides?

Your journey to business school begins with the GMAT™ exam. Candidates receive step-by-step guidance through the GMAT™ exam’s structure, format, and sections. Each guide includes an Online Question Bank to pinpoint your focus areas and create custom practice sets. Wiley is proud to publish a portfolio of GMAT™ Official Guides—in both print and eBook formats—so you can study confidently with materials designed to:

  1. Help you score your best on the exam.
  2. Answer questions efficiently.
  3. Learn exactly what you need to know to succeed so there are no surprises on exam day.

Why Choose the GMAT™ FOCUS?

The GMAT™ Focus Edition is a more efficient, flexible, and insightful test-taking experience that hones in on the higher-order critical reasoning skills and data literacy especially relevant and applicable in the business environment of tomorrow. Some of the changes include:

1. Shortest GMAT™ Exam ever
2. Reduced content to study means less time to prep
3. No essay section
4. Easier score sending. Send up to 5 schools for free after you learn your score
5. Three sections that focus on relevant business skills
6. Improved score reporting with detailed performance insights

GMAT™ Official Guides 2023-2024 (updated for GMAT Focus Edition)

Current Version (Valid until early 2024) 

Why are the GMAT™ Official Guides Right for You?

Your road to graduate school is unique. That’s why the GMAT™ Official Guides offer indispensable practice, test-taking advice, and customizable Online Question Banks for instant access to hundreds of real GMAT™ questions from past exams. Through the one-time-use PIN code inside your book, you’ll receive a full year of access from date of activation to…

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