
XML in 60 Minutes a Day

ISBN: 978-0-471-42254-9

July 2003

720 pages

  • XML is now ubiquitous, not just in Web development, but as the underpinning of interactive Web services: applications that really do run on any platform
  • Includes twenty-four one-hour lessons that recreate a typical week-long introductory seminar
  • Provides readers with a sound, fundamental understanding of XML and how it changes application development
  • Explains how to use XML when dealing with transforms, schemas, and other Web services requirements
  • The authors teach courses for IBM Canada
  • Companion Web site features an online presentation by the authors that follows along with each chapter and includes an audio-only option for readers with dial-up Internet connection
About the Author
LINDA MCKINNON has worked for more than eighteen years in computing science and information technology. She has performed increasingly advanced work on large corporate computer systems across various platforms and has over thirteen years of experience designing and providing training for thousands of students, both domestically and internationally.
AL MCKINNON is an engineer, technical author, and trainer who assists clients in the areas of network design, installation, and auditing. He has been a contributing author to national standards and has written manuals, specifications, provincial policies, procedures, regulations, legislation, magazine articles, and editorials.