
Web Application Design and Implementation: Apache 2, PHP5, MySQL, JavaScript, and Linux/UNIX

ISBN: 978-0-471-77391-7

December 2006

Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr

312 pages

Web Application Design and Implementation uses a hands-on approach of the major technologies and programming languages to teach readers web development. Providing an understanding of all major aspects of web programming in order to achieve the construction of a database-driven website, the book features state-of-the-art programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Apache, Linux/Unix.
About the Author
STEVEN A. GABARRÓ, MSc, is a member of the faculty at Stevens Institute of Technology. He created the first Web programming course at Stevens in 2003, a course which is now considered one of the most instructive computer science elective courses by students and fellow faculty. The success of the course became the drive to create this book.