
Trustworthy Cloud Computing

ISBN: 978-1-119-11350-8

February 2016

Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr

352 pages

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Introduces the topic of cloud computing with an emphasis on the trustworthiness of cloud computing systems and services

This book describes the scientific basis of cloud computing, explaining the ideas, principles, and architectures of cloud computing as well the different types of clouds and the services they provide. The text reviews several cloud computing platforms, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon, Oracle, Google, HP, IBM, Salesforce, and Kaavo. The author addresses the problem of trustworthiness in cloud computing and provides methods to improve the security and privacy of cloud applications. The end-of-chapter exercises and supplementary material on the book's companion website will allow readers to grasp the introductory and advanced level concepts of cloud computing.

  • Examines cloud computing platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon, Oracle, Google, HP, IBM, Salesforce, and Kaavo
  • Analyzes the use of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) for refactoring cloud services and improving the security and privacy of cloud applications
  • Contains practical examples of cloud computing, test questions, and end-of-chapter exercises
  • Includes presentations, examples of cloud projects and other teaching resources at the author’s website (http://www.vladimirsafonov.org/cloud)

 Trustworthy Cloud Computing is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, data science, and computer engineering as well as software engineers, system architects, system managers, and software developers new to cloud computing.

About the Author

Vladimir O. Safonov is the Professor of Computer Science and head of the laboratory of Java Technology at St. Petersburg University. He is a leading specialist in computer science and software engineering in Russia. Professor Safonov holds four U.S. software patents, four Russian software patents, and has published 190 papers and 17 books. An IEEE Senior Member, Professor Safonov has led the IEEE Region 8 Russia North-West Computer Society/Engineering Management Society Joint Chapter since 2003.