
The Power In / Of Language

ISBN: 978-1-444-36701-0

February 2012


168 pages

The Power In/Of Language features a collection of essays that analyse the ways in which language is utilized in contemporary education revealing its deeply entrenched power relationships.
  • Features essays grounded in theoretical rigor that offer critical insights into contemporary educational practice
  • Provides educators with fresh new perspectives on language in education
  • Based on the latest research data
About the Author

David R. Cole is Associate Professor at the University of Western Sydney. His most recent book is Educational Life-forms: Deleuzian Teaching and Learning Practice.

Linda J. Graham is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Postdoctoral Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at Macquarie University in Sydney. Her most recent book is (De)Constructing ADHD: Critical Guidance for Teachers and Teacher Educators.