
The Objects of Evidence: Anthropological Approaches to the Production of Knowledge

ISBN: 978-1-405-19296-5

March 2009


176 pages

Part of The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Special Issue Book Series, the contributors to this volume share the conviction that anthropology can no longer afford to ignore the importance of the concept of evidence, either for the ways in which anthropologists carry out their work (methodology) or present and justify their findings (epistemology).
  • Demonstrates that evidence is something that all anthropologists must possess
  • Shows how the collection of evidence in the field is still, without doubt, one of the main ingredients of what Bronislaw Malinowski once referred to as 'the ethnographer’s magic'
  • Reveals how the concept of evidence has received little sustained attention in print – especially when compared to related concepts, such as 'fieldwork', 'truth', 'facts', and 'knowledge'
  • Argued from a variety of theoretical perspectives and a rarity in its ability to orchestrate some many different – and vibrant – paradigms and points of view
About the Author
Matthew Engelke is a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics.

  • An important volume for all anthropologists conducting their own primary research, demonstrating that evidence is something they must all possess
  • Reveals how the concept of evidence has received little sustained attention in print - especially when compared to related concepts, such as 'fieldwork,' 'truth,' 'facts,' and 'knowledge'
  • All contributors share the conviction that anthropology can no longer afford to ignore the importance of the concept of evidence, either for the ways in which anthropologists carry out their work (methodology) or present and justify their findings (epistemology)
  • Argues from a variety of theoretical perspectives, and is rare in its ability to orchestrate many different - and vibrant - paradigms and points of view