
The Idea of Latin America

ISBN: 978-1-405-10085-4

December 2005


224 pages


The Idea of Latin America is a geo-political manifesto which insists on the need to leave behind an idea which belonged to the nation-building mentality of nineteenth-century Europe.

  • Charts the history of the concept of Latin America from its emergence in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century through various permutations to the present day.
  • Asks what is at stake in the survival of an idea which subdivides the Americas.
  • Reinstates the indigenous peoples and migrations excluded by the image of a homogenous Latin America with defined borders.
  • Insists on the pressing need to leave behind an idea which belonged to the nation-building mentality of nineteenth-century Europe.
About the Author
Walter D. Mignolo is William H. Wanamaker Professor and Director of Global Studies and the Humanities at the John Hope Franklin Center for International and Interdisciplinary Studies at Duke University. His recent publications include Local Histories / Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges and Border Thinking (2000) and The Darker Side of the Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality and Colonization (1995). He is founder and co-editor of the journal, Disposition, and co-founder and co-editor of Nepantla: Views from the South.
* A geo-political manifesto which questions the idea of Latinity as a sole name for the South American subcontinent.

* Charts the history of the concept of Latinity from its emergence in Europe under France’s leadership through to the present day.

* Reinstates the indigenous peoples, the population of African descent and the 40 million Latino/as in the US that are excluded by the image of a

homogenous Latin America.

* Asks what is at stake in the survival of an idea which subdivides the Americas.

* Insists on the pressing need to leave behind an idea of Latinity which belongs to the nation-building mentality of nineteenth-century Europe.