
The Ethics of Community

ISBN: 978-0-631-21682-7

May 2001


208 pages

In this important and timely study, Frank Kirkpatrick draws on theology, political philosophy and the social sciences more generally to develop a Christian ethic of community.
About the Author
Frank G. Kirkpatrick is Professor of Religion at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. He is the co-editor of the series 'Blackwell Religious Ethics' and is author of many books and articles, including Living Issues in Ethics (with Richard Nolan), Community: A Trinity of Models, Together Bound: God, History, and the Religious Community, and To Gather the Nations: A Christian Ethic of Flourishing and Justice in a Postmodern Age.
  • The author has a lifelong interest in the ethics of community - no one is better qualified to write this thought-provoking book .
  • Draws widely on theology, philosophy and the social sciences generally.
  • An important and timely contribution to the series - fills a much needed gap in the literature.
  • Written in a clear, accessible style - Kirkpatrick is able to communicate complicated and challenging ideas in an entirely user-friendly way.
  • Balances theoretical considerations that are important in interdisciplinary debate and practical considerations that are significant in daily life and politics.
  • Provides a usable model for ethical and theological reflection.