
The Blackwell Guide to the Modern Philosophers: From Descartes to Nietzsche

ISBN: 978-1-405-16485-6

February 2008


448 pages

This guide brings together eighteen original interpretations of the modern philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche. The contributors succeed brilliantly in placing their figures within a rich historical, cultural, and philosophical context, noting some of the important ways in which their ideas and arguments were shaped by the intellectual currents of the time, and how they in turn shaped subsequent philosophical debate.
About the Author
Steven M. Emmanuel is Professor of Philosophy at Virginia Wesleyan College. He is author of Kierkegaard & the Concept of Revelation (1996).
Fresh, original interpretations of the modern philosophers that challenge standard thinking.

Scholarly yet accessible, it is ideal for student and non-specialist audiences, but also engaging enough for advanced readers.

Excellent coverage of the key thinkers, including lesser-known figures such as Malebranche and Fichte.

Written from an historical perspective in that it traces lines of intellectual influence.