
Telecommunications Network Management: Technologies and Implementations

ISBN: 978-0-780-33454-0

December 1997

Wiley-IEEE Press

344 pages

"This volume brings together the full range of topics intelecommunications network management, including the evolution ofmanagement techniques and first-hand accounts of managementexperiences in new technologies and services. The reader willunderstand how information modeling and distributed management helpin simplifying network representation, introducing computingplatforms, where necessary, and offsetting operationscosts.Telecommunications Network Management is key to successfullykeeping up with the increasingly market-driven telecommunicationsfield. It covers a wide range of topics from the evolution ofmanagement techniques to the experiences of management in newtechnologies and services. Where the authors' previous book,NETWORK MANAGEMENT INTO THE 21st CENTURY, introduced networkmanagement techniques, standards, and applications, this bookcovers the implementation of these concepts in today'stelecommunications industry. Foremost experts in the field havecontributed all original material for this important book that willprovide the reader with experiences in implementing managementinfrastructures for information networking."

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IEEE Communications Society.
About the Author
Salah Aidarous is the Director of Product Planning at theNetwork Management Division of NEC America, working on the planningand development of integrated network management systems. Prior toNEC, he was with Nortel Technology (formerly BNR) working on abroad range of assignments in telecommunications networks andservices planning and development. Dr. Aidarous is a senior editorof IEEE Network magazine, senior editor of the Journal onNetwork and Systems Management, chairman of the TechnicalCommittee on Information Infrastructure (TCII), and coeditor and anauthor of Telecommunications Network Management into the 21stCentury: Techniques, Standards, Technologies, and Applications.

Thomas Plevyak is the president of the IEEECommunications Society. His two-year term of office began 1 January1998. Mr. Plevyak is an IEEE Fellow, the past director ofPublications of the IEEE Communications Society, and a formereditor-in-chief of IEEE Communications magazine. He retiredafter 28 years with Bell Laboratories and AT&T Network Systems(now Lucent Technologies), and is now responsible for operationsand network management standards for Bell Atlantic in Arlington,Virginia. Mr. Plevyak is former vice-chairman of the Inter-AmericanTelecommunications Commission (CITEL), Permanent ConsultativeCommittee 1 (PCC.1), a unit of the Organization of American States.He is coeditor and an author of Telecommunications NetworkManagement into the 21st Century: Techniques, Standards,Technologies, and Applications.