
System Building with APL + WIN

ISBN: 978-0-470-03434-7

May 2007

524 pages

Software modernisation or re-engineering as a concept lacks universal clarity. System Building with APL + Win seeks to clarify this problem by identifying the solution to the long term survival of the APL application as the elimination of APL specific considerations in the choice of a development tool. The author shows how to deploy mainstream industry standard system components within an APL + Win development environment, enabling the APL application to be just like any application on the Windows platform.
  • Demonstrates the power and agility of APL + Win in today’s approach to system building
  • Features a ‘code intensive’ approach, which overcomes the lack of APL+Win specific documentation of system components
  • Illustrates the potential for multi-language system building from an APL+Win environment
  • Explains how increasing the collaborative nature of APL will enable it to become an even more valuable tool for application development

System Building with APL + Win provides an excellent resource for system developers and training providers using the software, as well as MS Office users who wish to incorporate it into a bespoke application development. It will also be of interest to users of other APL interpreters.

RSP Series in Industrial Control, Computers and Communications

About the Author
Ajay Askoolum works for Claybrook Computing Ltd. In Surrey. Having obtained an MSc in Economics, he has worked in the pensions software sector of the UK insurance industry and has over 20 years’ experience using APL andn has authored a number of journal articles on the topic.