
Survival Analysis with Long-Term Survivors

ISBN: 978-0-471-96201-4

January 1997

304 pages

The aim of this book is to suggest and exemplify a systematic methodology for analysing survival data which contains "immune", or "cured" individuals, denoted generically as "long-term survivors". Such data occurs in medical and epidemiological applications, where the intention may be to identify whether or not cured or immune individuals are present in a population, perhaps as a result of treatments given; in the analysis of recidivism data in criminology, where the intentions are similar with respect to prisoners released from and possibly returning to prison;  and in many other areas where followup data is available on individuals, with the possibility that not all suffer the event under investigation. Both nonparametric and parametric methods are proposed and developed. The effects of covariate information can be assessed via a kind of generalised linear framework in the parametric analyses. The proposed methodologies are supported by asymptotic analyses and simulations of real situations. While these theoretical underpinnings are presented in reasonable rigour and detail, the book is aimed very much at the practitioner who wishes to analyse survival data with (or even without) immunes.
About the Author
About the Authors Ross Maller received his PhD from the Australian National University and after many years with CSIRO is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia. Xian Zhou is currently at the Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia.