
Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications

ISBN: 978-0-470-66369-1

January 2013


256 pages


A comprehensive survey of the theory, research and forensic implications related to suggestibility in legal contexts that includes the latest research.

  • Provides a useful digest for academics and a trusted text for students of forensic and applied psychology
  • A vital resource for legal practitioners who need to familiarize themselves with the subject
  • Includes practical suggestions for minimizing witness suggestibility in interviews
  • Features topics that focus on suggestibility at each stage - from witnessing a crime through to trial
About the Author

Anne M. Ridley is Principal Lecturer in Psychology at London South Bank University, UK, with particular interest in individual diff erences in witness suggestibility as well as strategies for supporting vulnerable witnesses in the legal system. In 2008, she was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy.

Fiona Gabbert is a Reader in Psychology at Goldsmiths University of London. She is an expert in the area of social infl uences on memory, and has published widely on this topic. Another of Fiona's interests is developing methods to obtain reliable evidence from eyewitnesses. She received an Academic Excellence Award for "Outstanding Achievements in the Area of Investigative Interviewing" in 2011.

David J. La Rooy is a Reader in Psychology at the University of Abertay Dundee, UK. He is also a Scottish Institute for Policing Research Lecturer and his research focuses on issues surrounding the forensic interviewing of children. He teaches evidence-based investigativeinterviewing and oversees the university's degree course in Forensic Psychobiology.