
Spain: From Dictatorship to Democracy

ISBN: 978-1-444-33974-1

April 2011


512 pages

This comprehensive survey of Spain’s history looks at the major political, social, and economic changes that took place from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the twenty-first century.
  • A thorough introduction to post-Civil War Spain, from its development under Franco and subsequent transition to democracy up to the present day
  • Tusell was a celebrated public figure and historian. During his lifetime he negotiated the return to Spain of Picasso’s Guernica, was elected UCD councillor for Madrid, and became a respected media commentator before his untimely death in 2005
  • Includes a biography and political assessment of Francisco Franco
  • Covers a number of pertinent topics, including fascism, isolationism, political opposition, economic development, decolonization, terrorism, foreign policy, and democracy
  • Provides a context for understanding the continuing tensions between democracy and terrorism, including the effects of the 2004 Madrid Bombings
About the Author
Javier Tusell was Professor of Contemporary History at the National University of Distance Learning (UNED). Best known as a historian of contemporary Spain, he published more than 50 books on the subject in his lifetime. During an early foray into politics, he negotiated the return to Spain of Picasso’s anti-war masterpiece, Guernica, and was elected UCD councillor for Madrid in 1979. Latterly he became a respected media commentator on Spanish history and especially the Franco dictatorship.

Rosemary Clark, college lecturer at Downing College, is an affiliated lecturer in Spanish at the University of Cambridge specializing in Modern Peninsular Spanish literature, history, and culture. Particular interests are post-colonialism, Spain and Africa, religious issues, and regionalism.


  • A thorough introduction to post-Civil War Spain, from its development under Franco and subsequent transition to democracy up to the present day
  • Tusell was a celebrated public figure and historian. During his lifetime he negotiated the return to Spain of Picasso’s Guernica, was elected UCD councillor for Madrid, and became a respected media commentator before his untimely death in 2005
  • Includes a biography and political assessment of Francisco Franco
  • Covers a number of pertinent topics, including fascism, isolationism, political opposition, economic development, decolonization, terrorism, foreign policy, and democracy
  • Provides a context for understanding the continuing tensions between democracy and terrorism, including the effects of the 2004 Madrid Bombings