
Social Geography: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: 978-1-405-15499-4

March 2009


336 pages

Introducing the debates that inform current social geographic research and theory and interrogating the historical development of social geography, Social Geography: A Critical Introduction explores how urban and rural spaces are organized in ways that construct and maintain social inequality.
  • Puts into context the assumptions of various strains of social geographic thought as they have developed historically
  • Assists students in addressing key social geographic questions and methodologies
  • Provides a showcase for cutting edge work in the field
  • Is written in an accessible and lively style, setting out a wide breadth of social geographic research
About the Author
Vincent J. Del Casino Jr is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Geography, California State University, Long Beach. He is Book Review Editor of the journal Social and Cultural Geography and has published numerous articles and co-edited the book Mapping Tourism (with Stephen Hanna) (2003).

  • Introduces students to the debates informing social geography
  • Puts into context the assumptions of various strains of social geographic thought as they have developed historically
  • Assists students in addressing key social geographic questions and methodologies
  • Provides a showcase for cutting edge work in the field
  • Is written in an accessible and lively style, setting out a wide breadth of social geographic research