
Rice: Origin, History, Technology, and Production

ISBN: 978-0-471-43196-1

November 2002

656 pages

Thorough coverage of rice, from cultivar development tomarketing

Rice: Evolution, History, Production, and Technology, the thirdbook in the Wiley Series in Crop Science, provides unique,single-source coverage of rice, from cultivar developmenttechniques and soil characteristics to harvesting, storage, andgermplasm resources. Rice covers the plant's origins and history,physiology and genetics, production and production hazards,harvesting, processing, and products.

Comprehensive coverage includes:
* Color plates of diseases, insects, and other productionhazards
* The latest information on pest control
* Up-to-date material on marketing
* A worldwide perspective of the rice industry

Rice provides detailed information in an easy-to-use format, makingit valuable to scientists and researchers as well as growers,processors, and grain merchants and shippers.
About the Author

C. Wayne Smith, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, and Robert H. Dilday, Rice Research and Extension Center, University of Arkansas, Stuttgart, AR.

C. Wayne Smith, editor of the Wiley series on Crops and co-editor of this volume of the series, received his doctorate in 1978 from the University of Tennessee and joined Texas A&M as a professor in 1986.

Robert Dilday is a research geneticist with the USDA-ARS at the University of Arkansas.