
Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 28

ISBN: 978-1-118-88993-0

April 2015

560 pages


The Reviews in Computational Chemistry series brings together leading authorities in the field to teach the newcomer and update the expert on topics centered around molecular modeling, such as computer-assisted molecular design (CAMD), quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics and dynamics, and quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). This volume, like those prior to it, features chapters by experts in various fields of computational chemistry. Topics in Volume 28 include:

  • Free-energy Calculations with Metadynamics
  • Polarizable Force Fields for Biomolecular Modeling
  • Modeling Protein Folding Pathways
  • Assessing Structural Predictions of Protein-Protein Recognition
  • Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Electrochemical Systems
  • Reactivity and Dynamics at Liquid Interfaces
About the Author

Abby L. Parrill, PhD, is Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Memphis, TN. Her research interests are in bioorganic chemistry, protein modeling and NMR Spectroscopy and rational ligand design and synthesis. In 2011, she was awarded the Distinguished Research Award by University of Memphis Alumni Association. She has given more than 100 presentations, more than 100 papers and books.

Kenny B. Lipkowitz, PhD, is a recently retired Professor of Chemistry from North Dakota State University.